Titan’s Health

Titan’s Health

Over the last year, I have not published a lot of content on Titan and Choctaw’s blog.  My wife and I started a small Private Investigators business so we’ve been busy getting that off the ground.  I recently published “Choctaw Goes to Florida” which took me awhile to put the post together.  It seems like since my wife and I started our business, I just haven’t had time to do the blog.  I missed it so here I am back at it.

My wife and I recently sold our house and moved to the northwest part of our state so we’ve had a lot of changes going on.  Titan and Choctaw have adjusted very well to the change but we’ve gone from living in a 2,550 square foot home to a 900 square foot apartment. We are in the process of building a new home but it won’t be completed until late Summer of 2022 so we have a “tiny home” for now.  Unfortunately, Titan’s health started to deteriorate after the move. We noticed Titan was panting a lot and drinking a lot of water.  At times, it appeared Titan was in distress and could not get comfortable.  Since we are new to the city we are living in, we called several vets before one of them could actually see Titan. After the visit with the vet, it was determined that Titan would no longer take Rimadyl which acts as an anti-inflammatory.  The vet also stated that Titan might have an “angry liver” due to the Rimadyl. The vet also suggested we change Titan’s food which we did. My wife asked the vet to do an X-ray to make sure something else wasn’t going on.  The vet stated that she “didn’t want to ring up our bill” so no X-ray was done. After what happened to Bady in 2016, my wife wanted to make sure Titan wasn’t in pain (refer to the “First Post!” concerning Bady). While my wife appreciated the fact that the vet didn’t want to ring up our bill, my wife did not feel like the vet wanted to listen to her about the fact that something wasn’t right with Titan’s demeanor.

After the visit to the vet, my wife and I were up for three consecutive nights with Titan due to the panting and him being in distress again. My wife again made contact with the vet’s office but talked to a different vet. My wife took Titan back to the same clinic and saw the vet she talked to on the phone.  This vet listened to my wife and an X-ray was done. The X-ray showed that Titan had a “very” enlarged heart.  The vet told my wife that due to the size of Titan’s heart it’s a possibility he could go into congestive heart failure.  The vet explained to my wife she would prescribe a medication for Titan which would help the blood flow to his heart.  The vet also stated the prescription is very expensive which would cost us about $100 a month. My wife and I didn’t care about the price, we just wanted Titan to be comfortable and not in pain.  The bottom line is Titan will eventually die from this and there is nothing that we can do to prevent it.  What we can do is give him medicine to help his heart function better and hopefully give him a good quality of life until that day comes. The hardest part about all of this is how will Choctaw react when Titan is no longer with us.

Over the last month or so, Titan has done a lot better. He started having issues with throwing up and projectile diarrhea, so we’ve had to address both of those issues and we’ve gotten that under control.  We also asked the vet to perform an ultra-sound on him to clarify whether or not he has a tumor in his stomach like Bady did in 2016.   The ultra-sound revealed that nothing was wrong with Titan’s stomach and no tumors were detected which was great news.

For now, we are going to enjoy Titan, love him, and let him live the retired life that he deserves to live!! Stay tuned for more updates.

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